/******************************************************************/ /* VS.PRO Last Modification: Fri Jan 14 19:28:27 1994 */ /* Mitchell's bi-directional search strategy in the version space */ /******************************************************************/ /* mod am/19.5.94: hack for QP: not repl by \+ */ % % Copyright (c) 1988 Luc De Raedt % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or % modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License % Version 1 as published by the Free Software Foundation. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public % Licensealong with this program; if not, write to the Free % SoftwareFoundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, % USA. % /******************************************************************/ /* impl. by : Luc De Raedt, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, */ /* Department of Computer Science, */ /* Celestijnenlaan 200A, */ /* B-3030 Heverlee, */ /* Belgium */ /* E-Mail: lucdr@kulcs.uucp or lucdr@kulcs.bitnet */ /* 1988 */ /* */ /* reference : ES2ML Tutorial Exercise */ /* Version Space Algorithm */ /* Luc De Raedt */ /* */ /* Generalization as Search, */ /* Tom M. Mitchell, */ /* Artificial Intelligence 18, 1982. */ /* */ /* call : learn */ /* */ /******************************************************************/ /* THIS VERSION LEARNS CONJUNCTIONS AND CONSTRUCTS EXAMPLES */ /* FOR A SIMPLE ATTRIBUTE-VALUED GENERALISATION LANGUAGE */ /* */ /* LEARN will learn a concept, it needs only one example it will */ /* ask for the classification of further examples, which it will */ /* construct itself. The first example must be a list of */ /* attributes. */ /******************************************************************/ learn :- writeln('First positive example ?'), read(POS_EX), nl, initialize(POS_EX,G,S), versionspace(G,S). /******************************************************************/ /* */ /* call : versionspace (+G_SET,+S_SET) */ /* */ /* arguments : G_SET = Set of most general concepts */ /* S_SET = Set of most special concepts */ /* */ /* side effects: terminal-I/O */ /* */ /******************************************************************/ /* VERSIONSPACE succeeds if there is a consistent concept, which */ /* is in the versionspace between g and s it will ask for the */ /* classification of examples, which it generates. */ /******************************************************************/ versionspace([],_) :- writeln('There is no consistent concept description in this language !'), !. versionspace(_,[]) :- writeln('There is no consistent concept description in this language !'), !. versionspace([CONCEPT],[CONCEPT]) :- ! , writeln('The consistent generalization is : '), writeln(CONCEPT). versionspace(G,S) :- writeln('The G-set is : '), writeln(G), writeln('The S-set is : '), writeln(S), nl, writeln('Next example :'), generate_ex(G,S,NEXT_EX), ! , writeln(NEXT_EX), writeln('Classification of the example ? [p/n]'), read(CLASS), nl, adjust_versionspace(CLASS,NEXT_EX,G,S,NG,NS), versionspace(NG,NS). versionspace(G,S) :- writeln('Impossible to generate relevant examples'). /******************************************************************/ /* */ /* call : adjust_versionspace(+CLASSIFICATION, */ /* +EXAMPLE, */ /* +G_SET, */ /* +S_SET, */ /* -UPDATED_S_SET, */ /* -UPDATED_G_SET) */ /* */ /* arguments : CLASSIFICATION = of the example p for positive */ /* or n for negative */ /* EXAMPLE = the example itself */ /* G_SET = the actual G-set */ /* S_SET = the actual S-set */ /* UPDATED_G_SET = the updated G-set */ /* UPDATED_S_SET = the updated S-set */ /* */ /******************************************************************/ /* ADJUST_VERSIONSPACE succeeds if UPDATED_G_SET and UPDATED_S_SET*/ /* specify the updated versionspace of G_SET and S_SET wrt EXAMPLE*/ /* and CLASSIFICATION. */ /******************************************************************/ adjust_versionspace(p,EX,G,S,NG,NS) :- retain_g(G,NG,EX), generalize_s(S,S1,NG,EX), prune_s(S1,NS). adjust_versionspace(n,EX,G,S,NG,NS) :- retain_s(S,NS,EX), specialize_g(G,G1,NS,EX), prune_g(G1,NG). /******************************************************************/ /* */ /* call : retain_g(+G_SET,-UPDATED_G_SET,+EXAMPLE) */ /* */ /* arguments : G_SET = the actual G-set */ /* UPDATED_G_SET = the updated G-set */ /* EXAMPLE = the example itself */ /* */ /******************************************************************/ /* RETAIN_G succeeds if UPDATED_G_SET lists the elements of G_SET */ /* which cover the EXAMPLE */ /******************************************************************/ retain_g([],[],_) :- ! . retain_g([CONCEPT|G],[CONCEPT|NG],EX) :- covers(CONCEPT,EX), ! , retain_g(G,NG,EX). retain_g([CONCEPT|G],NG,EX) :- retain_g(G,NG,EX). /******************************************************************/ /* */ /* call : retain_s(+S_SET,-UPDATED_S_SET,+EXAMPLE) */ /* */ /* arguments : S_SET = the actual S-set */ /* UPDATED_S_SET = the updated S-set */ /* EXAMPLE = the example itself */ /* */ /******************************************************************/ /* RETAIN_S succeeds if UPDATED_S_SET lists the elements of S_SET */ /* which do not cover the EXAMPLE */ /******************************************************************/ retain_s([],[],_) :- ! . retain_s([CONCEPT|S],[CONCEPT|NS],EX) :- /* am not covers(CONCEPT,EX), */ \+ covers(CONCEPT,EX), !, retain_s(S,NS,EX). retain_s([CONCEPT|S],NS,EX) :- retain_s(S,NS,EX). /******************************************************************/ /* */ /* call : generalize_s(+S_SET,-UPDATED_S_SET, */ /* +G_SET,+EXAMPLE) */ /* */ /* arguments : S_SET = the actual S-set */ /* UPDATED_S_SET = the updated S-set */ /* G_SET = the actual G-set */ /* EXAMPLE = the example itself */ /* */ /******************************************************************/ /* GENERALIZE_S succeeds if UPDATED_S_SET lists the minimal */ /* generalizations of the elements in S_SET wrt EXAMPLE such that */ /* there is an element in G_SET which is more general. */ /******************************************************************/ generalize_s(S,NS,NG,EX) :- setofnil(NCON,CON^(member(CON,S), valid_least_generalization(CON,EX,NCON,NG)),NS) . /******************************************************************/ /* */ /* call : generalize_g(+G_SET,-UPDATED_G_SET, */ /* +S_SET,+EXAMPLE) */ /* */ /* arguments : G_SET = the actual G-set */ /* UPDATED_G_SET = the updated G-set */ /* S_SET = the actual S-set */ /* EXAMPLE = the example itself */ /* */ /******************************************************************/ /* GENERALIZE_G succeeds if UPDATED_G_SET lists the greatest */ /* specializations of the elements in G_SET wrt EXAMPLE such that */ /* there is an element in S_SET which is more specific. */ /******************************************************************/ specialize_g(G,NG,NS,EX) :- setofnil(NCONCEPT,CONCEPT^(member(CONCEPT,G), valid_greatest_specialization(CONCEPT,EX,NCONCEPT,NS)),NG) . /******************************************************************/ /* */ /* call : valid_least_generalization(+CONCEPT,+EXAMPLE, */ /* -GENERALIZATION, */ /* +G_SET) */ /* */ /* arguments : CONCEPT = concept description */ /* EXAMPLE = the example itself */ /* GENERALIZATION = a new generalization */ /* G_SET = the actual G-set */ /* */ /******************************************************************/ /* VALID_LEAST_GENERALIZATION succeeds if GENERALIZATION is a */ /* least generalization of EXAMPLE and CONCEPT such that there is */ /* an element in G_SET which is more general than GENERALIZATION */ /******************************************************************/ valid_least_generalization(CONCEPT,EX,NCONCEPT,NG) :- least_generalization(CONCEPT,EX,NCONCEPT), member(GENERAL,NG), more_general(GENERAL,NCONCEPT). /******************************************************************/ /* */ /* call : valid_greatest_specialization(+CONCEPT,+EXAMPLE,*/ /* -SPECIALIZATION, */ /* +S_SET) */ /* */ /* arguments : CONCEPT = concept description */ /* EXAMPLE = the example itself */ /* SPECIALIZATION = a new specialization */ /* S_SET = the actual S-set */ /* */ /******************************************************************/ /* VALID_GREATEST_SPECIALIZATION succeeds if SPECIALIZATION is a */ /* greatest specialization of CONCEPT wrt EXAMPLE such that there */ /* is an element in S_SET which is more specific than */ /* SPECIALIZATION */ /******************************************************************/ valid_greatest_specialization(CONCEPT,EX,NCONCEPT,NS) :- greatest_specialization(CONCEPT,EX,NCONCEPT), member(SPECIFIC,NS), more_general(NCONCEPT,SPECIFIC). /******************************************************************/ /* */ /* call : prune_s(+S_SET,-PRUNED_S_SET) */ /* */ /* arguments : S_SET = the actual S-set */ /* PRUNED_S_SET = the pruned S-set */ /* */ /******************************************************************/ /* PRUNE_S succeeds if PRUNED_S_SET is the set of non-redundant */ /* elements in S_SET. An element is non-redundant if there is no */ /* element in S_SET which is more specific. PRUNE_S using an */ /* accumulating parameter to store intermediate results. */ /******************************************************************/ prune_s(S,NS) :- prune_s_acc(S,S,NS). prune_s_acc([],_,[]) :- ! . prune_s_acc([SPECIFIC|S],ACC,NS) :- member(SPECIFIC1,ACC), /* am not(SPECIFIC1 == SPECIFIC), */ \+(SPECIFIC1 == SPECIFIC), more_general(SPECIFIC,SPECIFIC1 ), ! , prune_s_acc(S,ACC,NS). prune_s_acc([SPECIFIC|S],ACC,[SPECIFIC|NS]) :- prune_s_acc(S,ACC,NS). /******************************************************************/ /* */ /* call : prune_s(+G_SET,-PRUNED_G_SET) */ /* */ /* arguments : G_SET = the actual G-set */ /* PRUNED_G_SET = the pruned G-set */ /* */ /******************************************************************/ /* PRUNE_G succeeds if PRUNED_G_SET is the set of non-redundant */ /* elements in G_SET an element is non-redundant if there is no */ /* element in G_SET which is more general. PRUNE_G using an */ /* accumulating parameter to store intermediate results. */ /******************************************************************/ prune_g(G,NG) :- prune_g_acc(G,G,NG). prune_g_acc([],_,[]) :- ! . prune_g_acc([GENERAL|G],ACC,NG) :- member(GENERAL1,ACC), /* not(GENERAL == GENERAL1), */ \+(GENERAL == GENERAL1), more_general(GENERAL1,GENERAL), ! , prune_g_acc(G,ACC,NG). prune_g_acc([GENERAL|G],ACC,[GENERAL|NG]) :- prune_g_acc(G,ACC,NG). /******************************************************************/ /* GENERATION OF EXAMPLES */ /******************************************************************/ /* */ /* call : allcovers(+CONCEPT_LIST,+EXAMPLE) */ /* */ /* arguments : CONCEPT_LIST = list of concepts */ /* EXAMPLE = the actual example */ /* */ /******************************************************************/ /* ALLCOVERS succeeds if all elements of CONCEPT_LIST cover */ /* EXAMPLE */ /******************************************************************/ allcovers([],_) :- ! . allcovers([CON|REST],EX) :- covers(CON,EX), allcovers(REST,EX). /******************************************************************/ /* */ /* call : generate_ex(+G_SET,+S_SET,+EXAMPLE) */ /* */ /* arguments : G_SET = the actual G-set */ /* S_SET = the actual S-set */ /* EXAMPLE = the actual example */ /* */ /******************************************************************/ /* GENERATE_EX succeeds if EXAMPLE is a relevant example. A */ /* relevant example is one whose classification cannot be derived */ /* from s and g */ /******************************************************************/ generate_ex([GENERAL|G],S,EX) :- find_ex(GENERAL,EX), /* am not allcovers(S,EX). */ \+ allcovers(S,EX). generate_ex([GENERAL|G],S,EX) :- generate_ex(G,S,EX). /******************************************************************/ /* */ /* call : find_ex(+CONCEPT,+EXAMPLE) */ /* */ /* arguments : CONCEPT = general concept */ /* EXAMPLE = the actual example */ /* */ /******************************************************************/ /* FIND_EX succeeds if EXAMPLE is an example in the language of */ /* the versionspace such that it is covered by the element in */ /* EXAMPLE. */ /******************************************************************/ find_ex([],[]) :- ! . find_ex([GENERAL|G],[LEAF|EX]) :- isa(LEAF,GENERAL), leaf(LEAF), find_ex(G,EX). /******************************************************************/ /* LANGUAGE DEPENDENT PREDICATES */ /******************************************************************/ /* */ /* call : initialize(+EXAMPLE,-G_SET,-S_SET) */ /* */ /* arguments : EXAMPLE = the positive example */ /* G_SET = initial G-set */ /* S_SET = initial S-set */ /* */ /******************************************************************/ /* INITIALIZE succeeds if G_SET is the g-set and S_SET is the */ /* s-set derived from the positive example */ /******************************************************************/ initialize(POS_EX,[TOP],[POS_EX]) :- max(TOP,POS_EX). /******************************************************************/ /* */ /* call : covers(+CONCEPT,+EXAMPLE) */ /* */ /* arguments : CONCEPT = concept description */ /* EXAMPLE = example */ /* */ /******************************************************************/ /* COVERS succeeds if CONCEPT covers EXAMPLE */ /******************************************************************/ covers([],[]) . covers([C|CONCEPT],[E|EXAMPLE]) :- isa(E,C), covers(CONCEPT,EXAMPLE). /******************************************************************/ /* */ /* call : least_generalization(+CONCEPT1,+EXAMPLE, */ /* -CONCEPT2) */ /* */ /* arguments : CONCEPT1 = concept description */ /* EXAMPLE = example */ /* CONCEPT2 = concept description */ /* */ /******************************************************************/ /* LEAST_GENERALIZATION succeeds if CONCEPT2 is the least */ /* generalization of CONCEPT1 and CONCEPT2 */ /******************************************************************/ least_generalization([],[],[]) . least_generalization([CONCEPT|C],[EX|E],[NCONCEPT|N]) :- lge(CONCEPT,EX,NCONCEPT), least_generalization(C,E,N). /******************************************************************/ /* */ /* call : greatest_specialization(+CONCEPT1,+EXAMPLE, */ /* -CONCEPT2) */ /* */ /* arguments : CONCEPT1 = concept description */ /* EXAMPLE = example */ /* CONCEPT2 = concept description */ /* */ /******************************************************************/ /* GREATEST_SPECIALIZATION succeeds if CONCEPT2 is the greatest */ /* specialization of CONCEPT1 and CONCEPT2 */ /******************************************************************/ greatest_specialization([CONCEPT|C],[EX|E],[NCONCEPT|C]) :- gsp(CONCEPT,EX,NCONCEPT). greatest_specialization([CONCEPT|C],[EX|E],[CONCEPT|N]) :- greatest_specialization(C,E,N). /******************************************************************/ /* */ /* call : more_general(+CONCEPT1,+CONCEPT2) */ /* */ /* arguments : CONCEPT1 = concept description */ /* CONCEPT2 = concept description */ /* */ /******************************************************************/ /* MORE_GENERAL succeeds if CONCEPT1 is more general than CONCEPT2*/ /******************************************************************/ more_general(CONCEPT1,CONCEPT2) :- covers(CONCEPT1,CONCEPT2). /******************************************************************/ /* APPLICATION DEPENDENT PREDICATES */ /******************************************************************/ /* */ /* call : max(+CONCEPT,+EXAMPLE) */ /* */ /* arguments : CONCEPT = concept description */ /* EXAMPLE = example */ /* */ /******************************************************************/ /* MAX succeeds if CONCEPT is a most general concept description */ /* which covers EXAMPLE */ /******************************************************************/ max([],[]) :- ! . max([TOP|T],[EX|E]) :- top(TOP,EX), max(T,E). /******************************************************************/ /* */ /* call : top(+CONCEPT,+EXAMPLE) */ /* */ /* arguments : CONCEPT = concept description */ /* EXAMPLE = example */ /* */ /******************************************************************/ /* TOP succeeds if CONCEPT is a most general concept description */ /* which covers EXAMPLE in a taxonomy */ /******************************************************************/ top(TOP,EX) :- isa(EX,TOP), \+ son(TOP,Z). /* am not son(TOP,Z). */ /******************************************************************/ /* */ /* call : leaf(+X) */ /* */ /* arguments : X = leaf of a taxonomy */ /* */ /******************************************************************/ /* LEAF succeeds if X is a leaf in the taxonomy */ /******************************************************************/ leaf(X) :- /* am not son(Y,X). */ \+ son(Y,X). /******************************************************************/ /* */ /* call : isa(X,Y) */ /* */ /* arguments : X = knot of a taxonomy */ /* Y = knot of a taxonomy */ /* */ /******************************************************************/ /* Inheritance */ /******************************************************************/ isa(X,X) . isa(X,Y) :- son(X,Z), isa(Z,Y). /******************************************************************/ /* */ /* call : lge(X,Y,Z) */ /* */ /* arguments : X = knot of a taxonomy */ /* Y = knot of a taxonomy */ /* Z = knot of a taxonomy */ /* */ /******************************************************************/ /* LGE succeeds if Z is least generalization of X and Y in a */ /* taxonomy. */ /******************************************************************/ lge(X1,X2,X1) :- isa(X2,X1), ! . lge(X1,X2,L) :- son(X1,F), lge(F,X2,L). /******************************************************************/ /* */ /* call : gsp(X,Y,Z) */ /* */ /* arguments : X = knot of a taxonomy */ /* Y = knot of a taxonomy */ /* Z = knot of a taxonomy */ /* */ /******************************************************************/ /* GSP succeeds if Z is greatest specialization of X and Y in a */ /* taxonomy. */ /******************************************************************/ gsp(X1,X2,X1) :- /* not isa(X2,X1), */ \+ isa(X2,X1), ! . gsp(X1,X2,G) :- son(S,X1), gsp(S,X2,G). /******************************************************************/ /* UTILITIES : comments are trivial */ /******************************************************************/ writeln(X) :- display(X), nl. member(X,[X|Y]). member(X,[Y|Z]) :- member(X,Z). /* defined in QUI * append([],X,X). * append([X|Y],Z,[X|W]) :- * append(Y,Z,W). */ /******************************************************************/ /* */ /* call : setofnil(-X,+Y,-Z) */ /* */ /* arguments : X = variable */ /* Y = relational expression */ /* Z = list */ /* */ /******************************************************************/ /* SETOFNIL succeeds if Z lists all possible instantiations of X */ /* for which Y is true. A^B means existential quantification. */ /******************************************************************/ setofnil(X,Y,Z) :- setof(X,Y,Z), ! . setofnil(X,Y,[]). myhelp :- write(' Start VS with command: learn.'), nl. :- myhelp.