Liveness of the (C)PN need not carry over to the timed net [7][6][5]. Formulating restrictions on the incorporation of timing aspects for general QPNs is difficult, but we can establish such conditions, if we restrict the structure of the CPN to EFC-nets for which liveness can be determined very efficiently by examinating the deadlock/trap-property [12].
For liveness of an EFC-QPN, whose underlying CPN is live, obviously
immediate and timed transitions must not be in conflict. Furthermore
we have to ensure that all tokens in a queueing place have the
opportunity of being served independently of each other. Otherwise
also very simple QPNs need not be live. Fig. 7 depicts
such a situation. is a timed queueing place, whose queue service
tokens according to a 'last come first served preemptive resume'
scheduling discipline. Since firing of immediate transitions has
priority on scheduling in timed queueing places, a token being served
immediately returns to this place thus preempting service of
the other token. So either token
will never leave this
queue. The following conditions exclude such situations.
Part (10) of condition EQUAL-Service together with
Assume there is a timeless trap, i.e.
The set
is a closed subset of states being reachable from
. Since
is finite,
is non-empty.
First of all we will show, that there is a state in
in which an immediate transition is enabled, i.e.
Assume the contrary.
From liveness of the CPN and (#>
Choose an arbitrary state
Boundedness and liveness of the CPN yield that the unfolded CPN consists
of P/T-nets which are by themselves strongly connected (cf. [9]).
Note that unfolding of a CPN might result in several isolated P/T-nets.
E.g. unfolding the CPN given in Fig. 7 yields two (strongly connected)
the set of input places of enabled transitions in
regard to the corresponding colours and
Due to strongly connectedness one of the following two cases must hold:
Proof: For abbreviation some of the definitions given in the proof of Lemma 1 will be used here.
Assume the QPN is not live.
According to Theorem 3 is finite.
Choose an arbitrary strongly connected subset
. This is always possible, since the
is assumed to be not live. Note that
might also comprises
tangible states in this context.
The EFC-net structure yields
is not marked with any token of colour
in all states
, i.e.
Otherwise, because conditions EQUAL-Service and EQUAL-Conflict are
satisfied, will eventually be enabled according to colour
, since the QPN has no timeless trap (cf. Lemma 1).
Extending the
-operator to CPNs via unfolding
we get
Since all queues keep track of the token number (cf. (#>
represents an unmarked deadlock of the CPN
contradicting its liveness (cf. Theorem 4).