A Tool for Hazard Detection in Hybrid Systems
Universität Dortmund, FB Informatik, LS IV, D-44221 Dortmund
E-Mail: Peter.Herrmann@cs.tu-dortmund.de
Peter Grannas
MATERNA Information & Communications,
E-Mail: Peter.Grannas@materna.de
The complexity degree of modern chemical plants demands for the use of formal specification methods. A
framework for hybrid systems contains specification modules and verification elements proving the plant
safety. The design of a plant is reduced to the composition of framework components, the identification of
possible sources of danger and the identification of suitable verification elements.
Our contribution introduces a tool supporting the selection of suitable safety properties eliminating possible
sources of danger. The tool
harmonic supporting this process is based on approaches of expert systems. An example
examination of a plant specification clarifies the use of this program.
Hazard Detection, Formal Methods, Specification Framework, Expert System, Harmonic.
Published in
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Automation
of Mixed Processes: Hybrid Dynamic Systems (ADPM2000), pages 225-230,
Dortmund, Germany, 2000. Shaker Verlag.
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Peter Herrmann, November 7, 2000
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