
SLA Tool


Screenshot of the GUI of SLA tool

SLA tool supports the efficient calculation of bounds for delays in composed systems based on bounds
for the load and the delay of the individual components which are available in the SLAs of the components.
Furthermore the tool allows one to generate bounds for the required processing capacity which a provider
has to provide to guarantee the quality of service defined in the SLAs.

Screenshot of result curves


  • SLA Tool V1.0
  • SLA Tool V1.0 (source code)
  • Update of functions in directory OctaveScripts (zip file from 18th December 2017).
       Replace all functions in that directory by the content of the zip file.
       Update fixes some calculation errors!
  • Manual
  • Publication on SLA Tool:
        Falko Bause, Peter Buchholz, Johannes May:
        A Tool Supporting the Analytical Evaluation of Service Level Agreements,
        Proc. of ICPE 2017: International Conference on Performance Engineering,
        April 22, 2017 - April 26, 2017 L'Aquila, Italy.
  • Publication on theoretical background:
        P. Buchholz, S. Vastag:
        An Introduction to SLA Calculus for the Analytical Validation of SLAs. (Pre-version)
