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Publikationen von Iryna Dohndorf


  • Peter Buchholz, Jan Kriege, Iryna Felko:
    Input Modeling with Phase Type Distributions and Markov Models - Theory and Applications
    SpringerBriefs in Mathematics, 2014.

 Journal & Conference Articles

  • D. Scheftelowitsch, P. Buchholz and I.Dohndorf:

     Efficient Policy Iteration on Modern Computing Architectures

    2018, in work

  • I.Dohndorf, P.Buchholz:

     A Multi-Objective Approach for PH-Graphs with Applications to Stochastic Shortest Paths

    2018, submitted

  • P. Buchholz, I. Dohndorf, D.Scheftelowitsch:
    Time-Based Maintenance Models under Uncertainty
    2017. Online Companion
  • P. Buchholz, I. Dohndorf, A. Frank, D.Scheftelowitsch:
    Bounded Aggregation for Continuous Time Markov Decision Processes
    EPEW, 2017.
  • P. Buchholz, I. Dohndorf, D.Scheftelowitsch:
    Analysis of Markov Decision Processes under Parameter Uncertainty
    EPEW, 2017. Online Companion

  • P. Buchholz, I. Dohndorf, D.Scheftelowitsch:
    Optimal Decisions for Continuous Time Markov Decision Processes over Finite Planning Horizons
    Computers & Operations Research, 2016.
  • P. Buchholz, I. Dohndorf, J. Kriege, G. Rinkenauer:
    Modeling Human Decisions in Performance and Dependability Models
    EPEW 2016.
  • P. Buchholz, I. Felko:
    PH-graphs for Analyzing Shortest Path Problems with Correlated Traveling Times
    Computers & Operations Research, 2015, 51-65.

  • P. Buchholz, I. Felko, and J. Kriege:
    Transformation of Acyclic Phase Type Distributions for Correlation Fitting
    20th International Conference on Analytical and Stochastic Modelling Techniques and Applications (ASMTA), Springer LNCS 7984, 2013, 96-111.
  • Iryna Felko:
    Simulation-based deadlock avoidance and optimization in bidirectional AGVS
    Proc. of the 4th International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques for Communications, Networks and Systems (SIMUTools 2011), Barcelona, 2011.


  • Iryna Dohndorf:
     Stochastic Graph Models with Phase Type Distributed Edge Weights


     Dissertation, Technische Universität Dortmund, Fakultät für Informatik, Dortmund, 2017

  • Iryna Felko:

     Ein Optimierungsverfahren zur Deadlockvermeidung in fahrerlosen Transportsystemen

    Diplomarbeit, Technische Universität Dortmund, Fraunhofer Institut für Materialfluss und Logistik (IML), Dortmund, 2010