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Dipl.-Inform. Jan Krüger

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Bitte beachten: Da ich den Lehrstuhl Informatik IV der TU Dortmund am 31. Dezember 2011 verlassen habe, bin ich dort nicht mehr telefonisch oder per Fax zu erreichen!



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Weitere Kontaktmöglichkeiten finden Sie evtl. unter www.jan-krueger.com, oder über mein XING-Profil.

  Bild von Dipl.-Inform. Jan Krüger


  • Oliver Dohndorf, Jan Krüger, Heiko Krumm, Christoph Fiehe, Anna Litvina, Ingo Lück, Franz-Josef Stewing
    "Adaptive and Reliable Binding in Ambient Service Systems"
    in Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA'2011), Workshop Service Oriented Architectures in Converging Networked Environments (SOCNE 2011), Toulouse, Frankreich, 2011
    [PDF@IEEExplore] [Draft PDF] [bibtex] [Veranstaltung]
  • Naci Dai, Jesus Bermejo, Felix Cuadrado Latasa, Alejandra Ruiz López, Isaac Agudo, Elmar Zeeb, Jan Krüger, Wolfgang Thronicke, Oliver Dohndorf, Christoph Fiehe, Anna Litvina
    "OSAMI COMMONS - An Open Platform for Dynamic Services for Ambient Intelligence"
    in Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA'2011), Workshop Service Oriented Architectures in Converging Networked Environments (SOCNE 2011), Toulouse, Frankreich, 2011
    [PDF@IEEExplore] [Draft PDF] [bibtex] [Veranstaltung]
  • Oliver Dohndorf, Jan Krüger, Heiko Krumm, Christoph Fiehe, Anna Litvina, Ingo Lück, Franz-Josef Stewing
    "Tool-Supported Refinement of High-Level Requirements and Constraints into Low-Level Policies"
    in Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Symposium on Policies for Distributed Systems and Networks (POLICY 2011), Pisa, Italien, 2011
    [PDF@IEEExplore] [Draft PDF] [bibtex] [Veranstaltung]
  • Oliver Dohndorf, Jan Krüger, Heiko Krumm, Christoph Fiehe, Anna Litvina, Ingo Lück, Franz-Josef Stewing
    "Policy-Based Management for Resource-Constrained Devices and Systems"
    in Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Symposium on Policies for Distributed Systems and Networks (POLICY 2010), Fairfax, Virginia, USA, 2010
    [PDF@IEEExplore] [Draft PDF] [bibtex] [Veranstaltung]
  • Elmar Zeeb, Guido Moritz, Wolfgang Thronicke, Myriam Lipprandt, Andreas Heinz, Frerk Müller, Jan Krüger, Oliver Dohndorf, Anna Litvina, Christoph Fiehe, Ingo Lück, Frank Golatowski, Dirk Timmermann
    "Generic Platform for Advanced E-Health Applications"
    in Proceedings of the IEEE 12th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Application & Services (Healthcom2010), Lyon, Frankreich, 2010
    [PDF@IEEExplore] [Draft PDF] [bibtex] [Veranstaltung]
  • Oliver Dohndorf, Jan Krüger, Heiko Krumm, Christoph Fiehe, Anna Litvina, Ingo Lück, Franz-Josef Stewing
    "Lightweight Policy-Based Management of Quality-Assured, Device-Based Service Systems"
    in Proceedings of the IEEE 24th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2010), Workshop Service Oriented Architectures in Converging Networked Environments (SOCNE 2010), Perth, Australien, 2010
    [PDF@IEEExplore] [Draft PDF] [bibtex] [Foliensatz] [Veranstaltung]
  • Christoph Fiehe, Anna Litvina, Ingo Lück, Franz-Josef Stewing, Oliver Dohndorf, Jan Krüger and Heiko Krumm
    "Towards the Web of Things: Using DPWS to Bridge Isolated OSGi Platforms"
    in Proceedings of the IEEE 8th International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom 2010), Workshop Web of Things (WoT 2010), Mannheim, Deutschland, 2010
    [PDF] [Draft PDF] [bibtex] [Veranstaltung]
  • Christoph Fiehe, Anna Litvina, Ingo Lück, Franz-Josef Stewing, Oliver Dohndorf, Jan Krüger, Heiko Krumm
    "Policy-gesteuertes Management adaptiver und gütegesicherter Dienstesysteme im Projekt OSAMI"
    in Proceedings 154 - Informatik 2009 Im Focus das Leben: Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik, Workshop Ambient Assisted Living (AAL), Lübeck, Deutschland, 2009
    [PDF] [bibtex] [Veranstaltung]
  • Christoph Fiehe, Anna Litvina, Ingo Lück, Oliver Dohndorf, Jens Kattwinkel, Franz-Josef Stewing, Jan Krüger, Heiko Krumm
    "Location-Transparent Integration of Distributed OSGi Frameworks and Web Services"
    in Proceedings of the IEEE 23rd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2009), Workshop Service Oriented Architectures in Converging Networked Environments (SOCNE 2009), Bradford, Großbritannien, 2009
    [PDF@IEEExplore] [Draft PDF] [bibtex] [Veranstaltung]
  • Myriam Lipprandt, Marco Eichelberg, Wolfgang Thronicke, Jan Krüger, Isabel Drüke, Detlev Willemsen, Clemens Busch, Christoph Fiehe, Elmar Zeeb, Frank Golatowski, Andreas Hein
    "OSAMI-D: An Open Service Platform for Healthcare Monitoring Applications"
    in Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Human System Interaction (HSI 2009), Catania, Italien, 2009
    [PDF@IEEExplore] [Draft PDF] [bibtex] [Veranstaltung]
  • Jan Krüger:
    "Simulationssystem zur Analyse von Fehlertoleranzverfahren in physiknahen service-orientierten Architekturen am Beispiel einer virtuellen Förderanlage"
    Diplomarbeit, Technische Universität Dortmund, Dortmund, Deutschland, 2007
    [PDF] [bibtex] [Foliensatz][Veranstaltung]
  • Martin Arbatzat, Stefan Freitag, Michael Fricke, Roland Hafner, Christian Heermann, Kolja Hegelich, Andreas Krause, Jan Krüger, Martin Lauer, Matthias Lewandowski,
    Artur Merke, Heiko Müller, Martin Riedmiller, Jürgen Schanko, Martin Schulte-Hobein, Madeleine Theile, Stefan Welker, Daniel Withopf
    "Creating a Robot Soccer Team from Scratch: the Brainstormers Tribots"
    in RoboCup 2003 - Proceedings of the International Symposium, Padua, Italien, 2003
    [PDF] [bibtex] [Veranstaltung]

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