Joint Tool Session of PNPM, MMB and PAPM/ProbMiv in Aachen, September 2001

The purpose of the joint tool session is to give an overview of state-of-the-art tools in all areas covered by the conferences of the international multiconference on measurement, modeling, and evaluation of computer-communication systems in Aachen, 2001. Furthermore, tool presenters will demonstrate their tools throughout the days of the conference.

The joint tool session takes place on Wednesday, 12th September.

Schedule:  16:15 - 18:00

  1. H. Hermanns, J. P. Katoen, J. Meyer-Kayser, M. Siegle: A Markov Chain Model Checker
  2. M. Kwiatkowska, G. Norman, D. Parker: PRISM: Probabilistic Symbolic Model Checker
  3. M. Bernardo: TwoTowers 1.0
  4. S. Bernardi, C. Bertoncello, S. Donatelli, G. Franceschinis, R. Gaeta, M. Gribaudo, A. Horvath: GreatSPN - in the New Millenium
  5. M. Gribaudo: FSPNEdit: a Fluid Stochastic Petri Net Modeling and Analysis Tool
  6. G. Ciardo, R.L. Jones, A. Miner, R. Siminceanu: SMART Simulation and Markovian Analyzer for Reliability and Timing
  7. J. Capek, Z. Hanzalek: STPN Play: a Modeling and Simulation Petri Net Tool
  8. J. Barner, K. Begain, G. Bolch, H. Herold: MOSEL - Modeling, Specification and Evaluation Language
  9. M. Steppler, D. Bernhardt: Formal Specification, Performance Evaluation, and Visualization of Communication Systems
  10. B. Müller-Clostermann, M. Diefenbruch, J. Hintelmann, A. Hirche: QUEST: Performance Analysis of SDL-Systems
  11. M. Arns, M. Fischer, H. Tatlitürk, C. Tepper, M. Völker: Modeling and Analysis Framework of Logistic Process Chains
  12. P. Buchholz, M. Fischer, P. Kemper,C. Tepper: New Features in the APNN Toolbox
For each tool,  a short article in an addendum to the conference proceedings is published as a technical report of the CS department of the University of Dortmund, Germany. This report will be given to all participants of the conference.

Tools will be demonstrated in parallel to conference sessions during the days of the conference in September, 11th - 14th.