Queueing Petri Nets (QPNs)
Queueing Petri Nets (QPNs), which combines Queueing Networks and Petri Nets, aims at eliminating these disadvantages. QPNs are a superset of Coloured GSPNs also integrating queues into places.
The complexity of a quantitative analysis is significantly reduced if the QPN has a hierarchical structure, which recently led to an extension of the model formalism towards Hierarchically Combined Queueing Petri Nets (HQPNs).
- QPNs (A short introduction)
- QPNs
- Hierarchically Combined QPNs (HQPNs; a superset of QPNs)
- QPN-Tool:
- Version 1.0
- Version 2.0 supporting HQPNs
X-WINDOW VERSION FOR DOWNLOADING: (for Sun-OS 5.5.x / Solaris 2)
Licence Agreement
Tool-Installation-File (2.8MB)
Tool-Installation-File (renamed) (in case one has problems with the former link; 2.8MB)
- Abstract Petri Net Notation (APNN)(A model interchange format for Petri Nets; 324KB PS-File)
- Bibliography
- Other Tools:
- QPME is an open-source tool for the simulative analysis of QPNs, which has been developed by the Descartes Research Group of Samuel Kounev at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).