Special features of QPN-Tool (Version 2.0)

QPN-Tool provides several algorithms for an efficient qualitative analysis of the underlying untimed Coloured Petri Net. Amongst the usual calculation of invariants, algorithms for specific net classes are offered.

Version 2.0 additionally offers a structured analysis module for performance analysis where the hierarchical structure is exploited. Thus the user has the the possibility to analyse Markov Chains with very large state spaces in the order of some millions of states.


Because of historical reasons the GUI of our tool is based on a commercial GUI generator running under SunView with SunOS4.1.3.
Unfortunately from some last installations we experienced increasing difficulties with the cooperation of the GUI and current window managers, e.g OpenWindows supporting SunView applications. Clearly SunView is not state of the art anymore and we are currently developing a new version of the GUI under XWindows. The new tool will probably be available in the beginning of april 1996 and we will provide an anon-ftp link to this future version.

Falko Bause, Peter Buchholz, Peter Kemper LS Informatik IV , Universität Dortmund