Improving the Efficiency of Automated Protocol Implementations Using a Configurable FDT Compiler

Hartmut König, Peter Langendörfer

Brandenburg University of Technology at Cottbus, Department of Computer Science, Postbox 1013, D-03013 Cottbus, Germany
E-Mail: {koenig | pl}

Heiko Krumm

Universität Dortmund, FB Informatik, LS IV, D-44221 Dortmund, Germany


The integration of efficient implementation techniques, which have been proven in manual coding, into FDT compilers is difficult due to semantic constraints of the FDTs and the lack of language means to flexibly adapt to a given implementation context. In this paper, we discuss ways to improve the efficiency of automated protocol implementations to make them applicable to real-life implementations. For illustration, we introduce the concept of a configurable FDT compiler that supports the application of different implementation techniques and the adjustment of the implementation to the given implementation context. The paper discusses the semantic conflicts to be solved when applying optimizing implementation techniques. It introduces a compile time reordering of transitions to cope with these problems. Aditionally we present measurements that prove a considerable efficiency gain of the generated code as well as a comparison with the Cadvanced compiler of the SDT tool set.


Formal description techniques, automated protocol implementation, configurable FDT compiler, activity threads, variable implementation model, implementation oriented specification, SDL

Published in

Computer Communications, 23(2000)12, 1179-1195, Elsevier Science.

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