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PE-Tools: Development and Usage


Parallel to our methodological work we continuously developed and used tools for performance evaluation (PE). Their intention is to provide facilities for a model description close to the original system specification and hiding details of the analysis techniques. Such tools map the model specification automatically to an analysable model. The set of tools developed by Informatik IV comprises amongst others


HIT: (Postscript)

The software tool HIT provides for model-based performance evaluation of computing and communication systems during all phases of their life cycle. Specification of (models of) dynamic, discrete-event, stochastic systems is achieved by particular language- and graphics-based description options. Performance evaluation of accordingly specified models is supported by a variety of techniques of the simulative and analytical types.


HiQPN: (Postscript)

HiQPN-Tool  supporting the analysis of hierarchical QPN models, a superset of Coloured GSPNs and Queueing Networks. These models can be analysed with respect to qualitative and quantitative aspects.



The APNN-Toolbox is a software package for functional (invariant, liveness, model checking) and quantitative analysis (APNNsim, NSolve, Parallel, SupGSPN) of GSPNs. Modeling of GSPNs can be realized with the editor APNNed. The editor can start the analysis tools and afterwards a visualization of the results is possible.

The communication between APNNed and the analyzers takes place by a common exchange interface so-called Abstract Petri net notation (APNN).

SLA Tool

SLA Tool supports the efficient calculation of bounds for delays in composed systems based on bounds for the load and the delay of the individual components which are available in the SLAs of the components. Furthermore the tool allows one to generate bounds for the required processing capacity which a provider has to provide to guarantee the quality of service defined in the SLAs.



ProFiDo provides a graphical user interface supporting the use of a variety of tools for the fitting and modelling of arrival processes. ProFiDo's key features include

  • a consistent use of commandline-oriented Tools for Process Fitting
  • a GUI for graphical workflow specification
  • XML based interchange format for process descriptions
  • easy to extend by XML based GUI configuration and converter scripts
  • visualization tool for plotting pdf, cdf and lag-k autocorrelation coefficients, ...




All tools provide a graphical user interface and are available for usual type of workstations. They are tested exhaustively and have been employed for the evaluation of operating systems in the development phase, future hardware architectures, and the assessment of distributed and telecommunication systems. The tools also suit for an evaluation of flexible manufacturing systems. Their practical usability has been proved by a large number of external installations in universities, research institutes and industry.

