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Projects at LS IV from 1985 to 1996


KOSMOS (1985-1989)

KOSMOS aimed at developing general concepts of structured modelling and systems analysis. It was jointly supported by the computer manufacturing companies SIEMENS AG and Nixdorf Computer AG and the BMFT (Federal Department of Research and Technology).



ILAN (1985-1989)

ILAN is a project directed towards the development of performance analysis tools. ILAN was partially supported by the Nixdorf Computer AG and the BMFT. The main product resulting from this project is the Hierarchical Performance Evaluation Tool, HIT, which is presently in use by various universities and at several industry sites.



OSMOD (1986-1995)

OSMOD is dedicated to Operating Systems MODelling; in particular, the investigation of operating systems for future multiprocessor hardware and novel storage hierarchies are in the focal interest of OSMOD. The project is supported by SIEMENS AG.



SFB 11-subproject (1986-1988)

This successfully terminated project was based on a cooperation with the Dortmund Mechanical Engineering Department. Funding was contributed by the DFG. The objectives of this project consisted of porting algebraic model evaluation techniques from the computing systems performance evaluation area to the material-flow domain. Results included the identification, realisation and application of a subclass of these techniques.



IMSE (1989-1991)

IMSE engineered an Integrated Modelling Support Environment. The project's aim was to facilitate the use of performance modelling in the system engineering process. IMSE constructed an integrated object oriented environment on advanced workstations and transport modelling tools to it. IMSE was a collaborative research project supported by the council of the European countries under the ESPRIT2-programme. It was carried out by 10 European organisations under the leadership of STC Technology (UK).



MACOM (1988-1997)

MACOM aimed particularly at Modelling and Analysis of COMmunication Systems. It was conducted in cooperation with the Research Institute of the Deutsche Telekom AG. The MACOM-tool developed in this project serves for supporting the design of future telecommunication systems.



ATMOSPHERE (1990-1992)

ATMOSPHERE (Advanced Tools and Methods fOr System Production in Heterogenous, Extensible, Real Environments) was an ESPRIT System Engineering project in Information Technology. It brought together Europes experience and expertise in this quickly evolving key technology area, fusing the advances made in a range of Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) and Computer Aided Design (CAD) disciplines into system engineering environments. Informatik IV integrated the PE tool HIT on top of the JESSI Common Framework (JCF) and developed methods for performance evaluation of formal designs (e.g. SDL) and hardware designs (e. g. VHDL).



MALKADA (1990-1992)

MALKADA was concerned with the investigation of modelling solution techniques based on decomposition and aggregation. These techniques are applied in an industrial environment for the performance and the dependability analysis of multiprocessor systems. The projekt was supported by SIEMENS AG.



POCOS IV (1990-1992)

The aim of POCOS IV was the development of a tool for forecasting workloads of computer systems based on (aggregated) performance measurements. The project was supported by Siemens-Nixdorf-Informationssysteme (SNI) AG.



ASSET (1993-1994)

ASSET (Advanced System and Software engineering Enabling Technologies) is an ESPRIT project concerning the integration of performance aspects into formal description techniques (FDTs).