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OSAMI (since 2008)




Project OSAMI


OSAMI-Commons targets open source common foundations for a dynamic service-oriented platform which is able to personalise itself in large diversity of co-operating Software Intensive Systems (SISs).


The platform makes easy what is difficult now, it facilitates seamlessly:

  • Service retrieval from external centralised or distributed repositories
  • Devices to connect and exchange information and services
  • The connection between various vertical markets in order to allow for new business solutions

OSAMI-Commons targets open source common foundations for a reference platform building-up from the embedded system domain. Based on dynamic service-oriented programming principles it will be able to personalise itself in large diversity of co-operating Software Intensive Systems (SISs). This is achieved through technologies allowing virtualisation of SISs with a high level of abstraction (e.g OSGi and Web Services).

OSAMI-Commons will demonstrate derived benefits in the services domain and will extend service oriented solutions in vertical domains, such as healthcare.

The common architectural approach will support not only the reuse of assets across different domains but also (in run time) a cooperation framework of embedded devices for providing added value services. Deployed applications will allow seamless access to services across devices in the context of interaction domains (e.g., personal, family, social network, equipment & service provider, industrial systems ….).