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Markovian Arrival and Service Processes for Performance and Reliability Analysis

ProFiDo - Processes Fitting Toolkit Dortmund


Darstellung des GUI von ProFiDo





The Processes Fitting Toolkit Dortmund (ProFiDo) provides a graphical user interface supporting the use of a variety of tools for the fitting and modelling of arrival processes. ProFiDo's key features include

  • a consistent use of commandline-oriented Tools for Process Fitting
  • a GUI for graphical workflow specification
  • XML based interchange format for process descriptions
  • easy to extend by XML based GUI configuration and converter scripts
  • visualization tool for plotting pdf, cdf and lag-k autocorrelation coefficients
  • support for PH distributions, Markovian Arrival Processes and ARMA and ARTA Processes
  • easy integration of fitted stochastic processes into simulation models using the Arrival Process Module for OMNeT++





ProFiDo is free software, released under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.






  • ProFiDo Manual: [PDF]
  • ProFiDo XML Interchange Format Specification: [PDF]
  • ProFiDo XML Configuration Format Specification: [PDF]
  • ProFiDo XML Workflow Format Specification: [PDF]
  • ProFiDo Distribution Overview: [PDF]
  • ProFiDo General Overview: see publications.






  • Falko Bause, Philipp Gerloff, Jan Kriege:
    ProFiDo - A Toolkit for Fitting Input Models
    Proc. of the 15th International GI/ITG Conference on Measurement, Modelling and Evaluation of Computing Systems and Dependability and Fault Tolerance (MMB & DFT 2010), Springer, 2010.
  • Falko Bause, Peter Buchholz, Jan Kriege:
    ProFiDo - The Process Fitting Toolkit Dortmund
    Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of SysTems (QEST) 2010, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA, September 15 - 18, 2010. [PDF]
  • Jan Kriege, Peter Buchholz:
    Simulating Stochastic Processes with OMNeT++
    Proc. of the 4th International OMNeT++ Workshop, 2011.
  • Falko Bause, Jan Kriege:
    Correlated Random Number Generation for Simulation Experiments
    Proc. of the ASIM Dedicated Conference on Simulation in Production and Logistics, 2015.



Sub content


08.08.2014: ProFiDo 1.3 released

  • Support for various general distributions
  • Workflow Report Generator



15.01.2013: ProFiDo 1.2 released

  • ProFiDo  is now available for Windows



01.03.2012: ProFiDo 1.1 released

  • Support for PH Distributions, MAPs, MEPs/RAPs, ARMA, ARTA, CHEP/CAPP
  • Visualization of pdf, cdf, moments and lag-k autocorrelations
  • Analysis of queueing behavior and support for statistical tests